
Thursday, May 26, 2005

A fun little list game

I got this from The Daily Bitch:
The basic rules are that you list 10 things you've never done but with a twist. Here it is: You post the list of the person who tagged you and then write your own below it. Only change items that you HAVE done and leave the ones that you have NEVER done. Get it?? Then pass it on...

aka_monty's List:
1. Jumped from a perfectly good plane that's still flying
2. Jumped from a perfectly good bridge with an oversized rubber band around my ankles
3. Been on safari
4. Intentionally hit someone with my car
5. Chewed tobacco
6. Been an OPRAH fan
7. Won the lottery *sigh* (wish I could've changed this one)
8. Driven a race car
9. Flown in a hot air balloon
10. Run for public office.

1. Jumped from a perfectly good plane that's still flying
2. Jumped from a perfectly good bridge with an oversized rubber band around my ankles
3. Been on safari
4. Intentionally hit someone with my car
5. Chewed tobacco
6. Had sex in a public place
7. Won the lottery *sigh* (wish I could've changed this one)
8. Driven a race car
9. Flown in a hot air balloon
10. Run for public office.

I only got to change one thing. :( Man, I'm boring.

I do request that if you decide to play along, please leave me a comment telling me so that I may come admire your list.