I want to start a knitting group in Midwest City. Probably on Saturday afternoons. If you are in the Midwest City area and knit, or know someone who knits, please email me, or have them email me. Please.
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
You gotta love the crazies...
...if only for their entertainment value. I have a profile posted on an internet dating site. Occasionally, guys will email me, but it never amounts to anything more than a little chit chat. There are some occasions that you do get a crazy though. Well, needless to say, I got a crazy. The first time crazy emailed me, on February 12, this is what he said:
saw your profile and i actually gazed at your pic for a very long time saying could this be the one have been wanting to meet all my life?baby you are an angel,and that is why i am using taking my time to let you know that you are been felt by me,can i get to know you better?kisses from me david.I responded, on February 15, in what I thought was a very sarcastic way with:
That's really sweet and all, but you're half a country away. How do you see that working?Notice my response, though sarcastic, was properly capitalized and punctuated. Apparently he didn't realize I was being sarcastic, and didn't take the capitalization and punctuation hint, because today I received this:
hello pretty,
sorry i've been offline in a while it's due to the nature of my job but i guess am a little free for now,have been thinking about you lately and really love to know a bit about you if thats ok with you?i guess i havent felt this way in a long time and i must confess i think am inlove with someone i donot know,but one thing i do believe and that is destiny i guess that's what made me find you here,pls do reply soon as i will be coming back to the states in about a month from now,kisses yours david.
Seriously? He thinks he's in love with me? After that? Okay, my profile (there) SAYS that I'm a Mensan, so apparently he doesn't know what that means if he thinks I'm dumb enough to fall for that shit.
Oh well, it's fun for us to laugh at.
Posted by
9:30 PM
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
I had a fabulous weekend
I had a great time at the lake. There were a couple of firsts. I slept in a tent for the first time. I kayaked for the first time (more on that later). I was up until like 4:00am every night. My friend Michael was there. I always have loads of fun with him. Michael, Karissa, and I killed a fairly large bottle of vodka by ourselves Friday night. After all the grown ups and small children went to bed, we went to the playground (our camp site was right across the street) and swang/swinged? and went down the slide and played on the merry go round. After Karissa went to bed, around 3:30, Michael and I went and stood with our feet in the lake. Sean and Jonah came out on Saturday, and again after the grown ups went to bed there was more drinking. We only drank beer on Saturday night, but I felt way worse Sunday morning than I did on Saturday morning after the vodka. Anyway, it was the first time I had partied with Jonah and my cousin "Bubba". He's 18 now, so we figured it was okay to give him beer. (Bubba on the left, Jonah on the right)
I think they had just as much fun as I did. Again we went swinging at 2:00am. Bubba climbed on top of the swingset structure. Drunk. But we didn't think about how bad of an idea that was until the next morning.
Posted by
2:56 PM
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Thank God my head's attached...
...because if it weren't, I'd lose it.
Today is April 13. Taxes are due April 15. I can't find my W-2. I'm such an idiot. I should have just filed my taxes at the end of January when I got my W-2 so this wouldn't happen.
Add to that the paper I have to write for my library class that's due on the 17th, and Easter weekend too. I may have a bit of a meltdown this weekend. I was discussing my paper with one of the librarians, and she said my research was good, I just had to organize my thoughts, so that's half the battle. The problem is that every time I've had a free second to do that, I've been playing games, or working on my template, or writing this very post. Oh well.
I dropped my history class today. It was a telecourse that I was supposed to watch videos and read the text for. I put off buying the book until it was pretty much too late, so I just added another W to my transcript. I have more W's than actual grades on my transcript. But, the grades I do have are A's. Until I finish my library class.
I took the library class, Intro to Library Technical Assistant, so I could get an easy A. Hell, my title is Library Technical Assistant. The highest grade I can get at this point is a B. I don't know if I'll even be able to pull that out. It's totally my fault. It's not like the material is to hard, or anything like that. I'm just a slacker. I took zeroes on 2, maybe 3 assignments worth 10 points each just because I didn't feel like doing them.
Anyway, for Easter, most of my family, including my mother and I are going camping at the lake. I've checked out a laptop so I can write my paper there. We'll see if it actually gets done.
BTW, I totally won the battle in the war of the strong willed women.
Have a nice day. Happy Easter!
Hell, who am I trying to kid. I picked her because it sounds dirty! Can I get a whoo whoo!
Seriously, her blog REALLY is well written. Go visit her.
Posted by
9:30 PM
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
You naughty boy...
I saw what you were looking at. There's no point trying to deny it. I know what a naked penis looks like. I also don't have a problem with people looking at naked penises on the internet, just not in my library.
Okay, so I caught a guy looking at naked pictures of men. Not a big deal. Until I had to tell him he couldn't be looking at that stuff on our computers. He totally tried to deny it. He had the naked pics in little windows, then in a big window in the background, he had a google search for cartoon network. So, when I told him he couldn't look at that here, he said, "What, cartoon network?" I said, "No, in the other windows." He pulled up another window with a myspace profile. I said, "You know what I'm talking about." That was about an hour ago. I haven't seen him looking at any more.
It pissed me off that he denied it. He would have been a lot better off if he had just acknowledged it and apologized. Now he's on my radar. He's going down.
My resolution is set to 1024 x 768, so when I make web pages, I make them to fit on my screen, but if more people are viewing it on 800 x 600, I'd be willing to try to adapt, I just need to know. <-total run-on sentence
Posted by
5:56 PM
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Monday, April 10, 2006
Caroyln Hart will be at my library tomorrow!
Oklahoma mystery author Carolyn Hart is coming to speak at my library tomorrow! I'm about half way through her 4th book in the Henrie O series. I have so many questions for her. If you're interested in coming, she'll be at the Rose State College LRC tomorrow, April 11 at 3:30 PM. Everyone is welcome. I hope you'll stop by.
Posted by
8:31 PM
Still a rebellious teenager
My mother and I are currently in the midst of a battle in the war of the strong willed women. Alas, there is no end in sight. No plan to pull out the troops. Just occasional grenade blasts that lead to new battles. The battles are always the same. I'm somewhere other than at home, she calls wants me to come home immediately (whether I'm 30 minutes or 2 hours away) because she has a wild hair up her ass that she can't scratch without my help. I am a rebel at heart. My first reaction when she gets like that is to revert back to the 16-year-old in me and do the exact opposite of what she says.
She's the queen of the guilt trip too. She said something to the extent of, "Oh, yeah, I want to sit at home by myself all weekend." It's not my fault she's sitting at home by herself all weekend! I have a life! It's not my job to entertain her when she's not at work, and it's also not my fault that she's isolated herself and doesn't have any friends!
Our living situation quit being healthy a couple of years ago, but alas, I can't afford to move out. Hopefully that will change soon.
When I was a teenager, I never got into any "real" trouble, but I was definitely "difficult" for a couple of years. My parents smothered me (sorry Dad, but you know it's true), so the first chance I got, I moved out and did almost everything they had ever told me not to.
I didn't used to mind doing things to help my mom out, but she isn't always willing to wait for me to do them on my timetable. She used to get pissed and start doing what she had asked me to do, only she'd be doing it wrong, so I'd end up getting up and finishing it. I learned that trick, and now those days are over.
She asks me to do so much that it's gotten to the point that when she asks me to do something my automatic reaction is no.
My sister understands what I'm going through. Before my mom left Bartlesville, after Leslie was married even, she was my mom's beckon call girl. I don't think my brother really gets it though. He's never had to deal with her to the extent that we have. He's a boy, he always got treated different. Hell, now I'm getting pissed off at him too! Damn it! Now the middle child syndrome is starting to rear it's head! I gotta go.
Hope this makes sense, and hope you're having a better day than I am!
Posted by
7:48 PM
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Let's reminisce
I'm feeling lazy, and don't want to write a fresh post. I'm reposting some of my favorite old posts, from back when no one read my blog, so they're going to be new to most of you. Enjoy.
From May 24, 2005: Amanda's All-Time 102 Best Films
From April 17, 2003: My first college paper. I got an A.
From March 9, 2004: Idol isn't a new obsession
From March 1, 2004: An article about me was in the school paper.
Have a nice day.
Posted by
6:10 PM
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
A.D.D. Idol
First, my mom says I'm weird because I take notes while I'm watching Idol. Those notes are about to come in really handy though.
Some advice for the contestants: Whether you like or are excited about the theme or not, you're not going to make it to the end if you don't give it your all, go balls to the wall EVERY week.
The guest whatever last night was Kenny Rogers. I grew up on Kenny; I love him. My mom is a huge fan, so I can't help but feel nostalgic when I see him. Usually. Not so much last night. He didn't look too good. I think he's had his eyes done, and the results weren't great. Also, what happened to Kenny's signature feathered hair? Kenny used to have good, no, great hair. He's got to do something about the new look. It's just not right.
On to the singing:
Taylor - Country Road Take Me Home - With a genre as big as country, there were so many songs that would have been better suited for his voice than this one. I'm sad to say it was the worst performance of the night, and he's at risk for elimination.
Mandisa - Any Man of Mine - I love the original version of this song. Mandisa is great, but the advice above is mostly to her. This is a great upbeat fast song that she could have done way better with. I thought it started bad, ended better, but she could have been 1000% better if she'd gotten into it.
Elliot - If Tomorrow Never Comes - I thought it was great, awesome, fabulous, terrific. A really good song choice for him. He showed more of that potential that I mentioned last week. He could quietly win if the other contestants don't step up.
Paris - How Do I Live Without You - This is the Paris that I fell in love with during Hollywood week. The look, the voice, everything. She is greatness.
Ace - I Wanna Cry - He melted my heart again. He tells the story of the song with his eyes.
Kelly - Fancy - Remember last week when I made a list of songs I wanted each artist to sing? Well, I think Kelly may have read that(total wishful thinking), because she sang the song I picked for her, and she did an awesome job. Great performance of the perfect song choice for her.
Chris - Making Memories Of Us - Surprisingly better than I though it would be, and it was nice to hear him do something different. He showed the versatility asked for last week, and even though he was out of his element, he still shined.
Katherine - Bringing Out the Elvis in Me - It was good, sexy, "sultry" as Kenny put it. I think it was the most fun song of the night. I'm back on the McPheever train.
Bucky - Best I Ever Had - It was a really good song choice. I expected a good performance from him on country night, and I wasn't disappointed.
Kelly gets my pick for best of the night, Taylor for worst. It's to that point in the competition where everyone left is good, so I hate to see anyone go.
Don't forget to visit my renter.
Posted by
2:33 PM
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Girls with Tools
I've always considered myself pretty competent with tools. Like all women, sometimes I find uses other than the intended use. Long story short long, I was holding the handle of the screw driver against the wall over the anchor I just sunk and was hitting the handle of the screw driver with the hammer to make the anchor flush with the wall. The first whack, I slightly smooshed my fingers between the screw driver and the wall. I didn't smash them enough that it hurt, just to move my fingers into a "better" position, you know, so they weren't between the screw driver and the wall anymore. With my hand in the "better" position, I hit my finger really hard with the hammer. I managed to hit my finger in a way that, though there were no sharp edges on the hammer, I bruise AND cut it. Like my sister says, A helmet won't help with that.
It is looking a lot better today than it did when the injury was incurred on Thursday.
This is the arrangement that caused the injury.
I stenciled this mirror all by myself.
I have a new renter, and if I'm not mistaken, it's my first boy tenant. Everyone go visit, be friendly, leave comments.
I may post later about my visit to Bartlesville, but I think it'll be hard to beat the funny story I posted on Sunday.
Posted by
9:41 PM