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Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Mom moved last weekend. Turns out the party going on at Amanda's is a big pity party for me. I'm a lot more lonely than I thought I would be. It's going to take a little while for me to adjust to living alone again. I was off the non-smoking wagon for a couple of weeks, but I'm back on again. It's been 3 days, and it's raining again already. I'm almost convinced that bad things happen when I quit smoking. I have to keep telling myself that bad things are going to happen whether I'm smoking or not, so I might as well not smoke. I've lost 16 lbs. since I started Weight Watchers 2 months ago. I've been feeling pretty good about myself, but it's getting to be that time of year when I get the blues. I wish it didn't happen, but at least I know it's coming, and can get myself on an antidepressant before things get bad. I know there are a lot of people out there who enjoy the holidays, but honestly, they just make me sad. I long for the days when we were one big happy family. Everything is so different now with all the drama and everything.
I don't have the energy for this right now...maybe more later.
Posted by
8:53 PM
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Here they are
I tried to post these one evening last week, but blogger was down, and then I forgot.
Me, and my best friend Trisha at her house before the concert.
Me & my sister-in-law Karissa.
The 3 of us at the Brady Theatre before the concert started.
And, finally, the diva herself...
Ms. Cyndi Lauper!!!
Posted by
1:50 PM
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Monday, October 02, 2006
Why can't it just sprinkle?
They say when it rains, it pours, but seriously, just this once, why couldn't it just sprinkle.
The rain started last Thursday. I went to the doctor because I thought I was coming down with strep throat, whatever, no big, I wasn't worried about that. I showed her the spots I was getting from the nicotine patches, and she told me I was allergic and I had to stop using them. If that had been the only sprinkle, I'm pretty sure I could have dealt with it, but then, after I got back to work, I noticed that my face was a little splotchy, but I didn't think anything of it. About an hour later, one of the girls asked if I was feeling okay, and really I felt great, why did she ask? Well, because my face was really splotchy. That freaked me out a little bit, so I called the doctor. Stop taking the antibiotic and take some Benadryl immediately. K, so between me calling the doctor and the doctor calling me back, I got super worked-up/freaked-out/panicky, so I did what I do when that happens, I cried, and cried, and cried, and ended up going home for the rest of the day so I could take the Benadryl and sleep it off. Friday morning, my Uncle was having an angiogram. I called to find out how it went and learned that he had total blockage in 2 arteries and he was going to have to have bypass surgery when they got him stable enough for surgery. Well, they did the surgery this morning, triple bypass, no surprises, everything went well. Needless to say, I had a really emotionally trying weekend. Hopefully this is the end of the storm for a while. I don't know if I could handle much more.
I smoked a few cigarettes this weekend, but I'm trying to get back on the non-smoking track.
Posted by
3:26 PM
Monday, September 25, 2006
Like, oh my gosh, totally, for real
Trisha, Karissa & I are totally going to go see Cyndi Lauper next week! I'm so stoked. Cyndi is one of those people who speaks to & for the 14 year-old girl inside us all. It will be a totally awesome experience. Hopefully I can get a couple of good pictures with my phone.
Posted by
8:45 PM
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Since I've quit smoking, the things that annoy me are annoying me even more. I try to keep these annoyances to myself so people don't realize how controlling, bitchy, hypocritical and anal I really am, but right now I'm about to burst. My biggest annoyance right now is my mother. She's driving me insane. I'll be out and about doing my thing, and she'll call me and tell me to come home and do some stupid shit that, if it's that important, she can do herself. Oh, that's right, I said tell. It would be different if she asked me in a nice way to do whatever super mega important thing that has to be done right then, but no, she TELLS me. I have never handled being told to do something very well. I am independent and rebellious, and you'll get way better results by asking. Telling will only insure that it's going to be a long time before what you want done actually gets done. Also, she doesn't pick up after herself (or her damn dogs) at all. This is where the hypocritical comes in, because I'm not good at picking up after myself, but at least I try. When I get home at night, she's usually been home for 5-9 hours, usually sitting in her room playing computer games, while the dogs (5 of them) have been running amok in the house. They get into the trash, they chew stuff up into shreds, and the boy dogs pee on everything in sight. By everything, I mean EVERYTHING that's mine. They don't pee on her stuff, so it's not a problem, right? Wrong! I've almost decided that I'm going to start peeing on her things and blaming it on the dogs so she'll realize what a big problem it is. What makes me maddest is when she takes my clothes out of the dryer and just throws them on the couch. Every time she does it, my clean clothes get peed on and I have to rewash that load of laundry. When I take her clothes out of the dryer, I usually fold them and put them on her bed. How hard would it be for her to do that? Seriously!
Posted by
7:06 PM
Monday, September 18, 2006
Turns out I'm really good...
at not blogging. I just haven't been in a blogging place lately, but I'm feeling it today. So, here's what's been going on. I quit smoking. It's been 11 days, and I'm feeling great. I've had a couple of episodes where I almost punched someone in the face, and I cussed out a cashier at Wal-Mart (because she wouldn't sell me nicotine patches without my ID), but other than that, it's going great. I joined Weight Watchers last week also, so I wouldn't get fatter from quitting smoking. I'm going to a meeting on my lunch hour to weigh in for the first time. Wish me luck.
UPDATE: The weigh in went well. I've lost 5.8 pounds since Wednesday!
I got a new cell phone this weekend. It's really cute. See:
It's fun & functional! You can't beat that. I downloaded a BUNCH of ringtones, and I got something called a call tone. Now when certain people call me, instead of hearing a ring, they hear Cyndi Lauper singing "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun". It costs $2.50 for 3 months, but it's worth it to put a smile on my friends' faces when they call. Brion & I went to the fair this weekend. It was good times. The beer guy was really cute, so we kept walking half way across the fair grounds to go back to the same beer tent. Brion deserves major props for the power of his influence. I'm not really sure how he did it, but he convinced me to get on the Ferris Wheel. It was so scary! But, alas, I lived to tell about it. Hope everyone is having a happy Monday.
Posted by
3:10 PM
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
I'm very sad about the death of the crocodile hunter. I do kind of want to see the video, though.
I'm a little pissed that Will got voted off of Big Brother. I wanted him to win. I'm a little ashamed to say I want Janelle to win now.
I've been a knitting fool lately, that's why I haven't been posting.
I went to Bartlesville over the weekend to play with baby Madison. She's getting so big. She's such a sweet baby.
Have a nice day!
Posted by
7:00 PM
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
The new semester started Monday
It's great. We got a whole new crop of hot young work-study guys this semester. All is well in Amandaland.
Posted by
8:55 PM
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Isn't it a beautiful day
The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, my nemesis, who I've been trying to get to quit or be fired, is getting the ax!!! I am so excited. Seriously, I'm doing the happy dance inside. I'm just glad I'm not the one doing it, because I wouldn't be able to do it without giggling.
I hope everyone else's day turns out to be as wonderful as mine.
Ed: I originally posted this last Wednesday, but had to take it down until after the business actually went down because of confidentiality and such.
Posted by
9:40 AM
Friday, August 11, 2006
Whoever thought the world getting up and being at work at 8 am was a good idea was an idiot. I hate having to come to work this early in the morning. It sucks.
I have some exciting news to tell y'all, I posted about it briefly on Wednesday, but decided it would be in my best interest to take it down. If you saw that, you know what I'm talking about. I was hoping I'd be able to repost it yesterday, but there was a kink in the plan, so hopefully I'll be able to tell you all about it on Monday.
Posted by
8:48 AM
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Look what I can do
I convinced my sister to let me give Mason, 3 almost 4, a mohawk!
It turned out awesome, didn't it?
This is my very first ever Amanda grown tomato.
This is the tomato plant it came from. It's got another tomato on it already.
I got a new purse today. It's huge, I love it.
Posted by
11:32 AM
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
I have a problem
A lady that I work with, who has more formal education than I do, left her grocery list in a common area today. I'm having a really hard time not correcting the misspelled words, of which there are many.
Tomorrow starts 3 weeks of 8-5 days. I'm so dreading it. Since I got back from vacation, I've been working on a newsletter. It's driving me nuts. Publisher is such a pain in the ass!
Have a nice day.
Posted by
4:35 PM
Thursday, July 27, 2006
My Vacation
Yeah, so I said I'd have vacation pictures up yesterday, sue me. I've been busy catching up on all the internet game playing work I missed while I was gone. I made a slide show instead of uploading all those pictures here. If you want to see, go here. I captioned most of the pictures with who's in them.
I had a really good time. My dad flew into Oklahoma City on Saturday night, and we immediately drove to Tulsa and went to the bar, then to Monica's to celebrate Sean's birthday. His birthday was on Sunday, and they had a big bbq with tons of people at their house. On Monday, we went to Incredible Pizza. If you don't know what that is, it's like Chuck E Cheese with better games and a big buffet. Tuesday Sean & Karissa both had to work, so Dad & I took Sydney to Braums and to the Bass Pro Shop. That was quite an adventure, but less adventurous than the last time I took her. On Wednesday Dad & I went to Bartlesville, had lunch at Taco Bueno with all the grand kids--talk about fun--went to see baby Madisyn, & spent the night at my grandma's house. On Thursday grandma & I went to get our hair cut, mine is fabulous, if I do say so myself. I'll have to fix it & post a picture later. After that, we went to lunch with grandma, then back to Tulsa. Friday we went to the Oklahoma Aquarium. It was super cool. Saturday I had cramps, so I didn't do anything, but in the evening they took the kids bowling. We went back to Bartlesville & had dinner with my sister Sunday evening, then back to Oklahoma City to spend the night at my aunt & uncle's. On Monday, we got up had lunch at Steak 'n' Shake, visited my dad's father's grave, flitted around, then went to the airport. I had a really hard time letting my dad go. I don't get to see him very often, and I miss him so much when he's not here or I'm not out there.
So, overall, it was a pretty good vacation. Now I have to get to work on actual work. I have to have a newsletter ready for print on Tuesday, and I haven't started it yet. Eeek!
Have a nice day!
Posted by
8:26 PM
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Back from vacation, have tons of pictures, will post them tomorrow, have a nice day!
Posted by
8:50 PM
Friday, July 21, 2006
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
I still suck
It's been almost 2 weeks since the last time I blogged, and that one doesn't really count. I've just been really busy. I had a great 4th of July. Went to Sean & Karissa's and shot off fireworks. I have a 4th of July injury. I burnt my thumb lighting a sparkler. Those things are dangerous. On the 5th, my cousin was induced, and after many many hours of waiting around, we finally got a baby in the early morning hours of the 6th. She's so pretty. Here's a picture:
My dad is going to be here in 3 days! He'll be here the 16-24, so I wouldn't expect any new blogs during that time either. Hopefully after his visit things will slow down and I'll get back to normal postings.
Have a nice day!
Posted by
5:25 PM
Thursday, June 29, 2006
I'm copy-catting Dawn
Here's what ya do:
1. Go to Wikipedia.
2. In the Search box, type your birth month and day (but not year).
3. List three events that happened on your birthday.
4. List two important birthdays and one interesting death.
5. One holiday or observance (if any).
On November 27,
1895 - At the Swedish-Norwegian Club in Paris, Alfred Nobel signs his last will and testament, setting aside his estate to establish the Nobel Prize after he dies.
That sure was nice of him.
1924 - In New York City the first Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade is held.
No wonder it's my favorite parade.
2005 - The first partial human face transplant is completed in Amiens, France.
I'll stick with the face I've got, thanks.
1976 - Jaleel White, American actor
That's right, I share my birthday with Urkel...
1962 - Davey Boy Smith (David Smith), British professional wrestler
And the British Bulldog!
1978 - In San Francisco, California, city mayor George Moscone and openly gay city supervisor Harvey Milk are assassinated by former supervisor Dan White.
You should read about this. It's a very sad story.
My birthday falls on Thanksgiving every few years.
Here's another one:
Countries I've visited:
create your own visited countries map
States I've visited:
create your own personalized map of the USA
I think I got all of them.
I'm tagging Karissa and Deshona.
Posted by
2:30 PM
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
I have a new guilty pleasure
It's Dawson's Creek. I never watched it when it was originally on, but I started DVRing it to see what it was all about. I mainlined 4 episodes last night, and there was so much drama that I had to stop knitting and actually watch what was going on. I missed the first 3 episodes of the first season, but oh well. And talk about drama! Pacey slept with his English teacher...Joey's sister had a mixed baby (which isn't a big deal to me, but apparently is to Jen's Gram), in Dawson's den...Dawson's mom had an affair with her co-anchor...Joey's mom is dead & her dad is in prison (but that's still no reason for her to be so antagonistic toward Jen) wonder these teens have angst! How did I not watch this when it was on?
The last episode I watched was the "Breakfast Club" episode. I've got to say they portrayed the librarian in a very negative light. Anyway, the gang, and some random girl were in Saturday detention, and Dawson said how "Breakfast Club" it all was, and how the stars basically disappeared into obscurity. Then, Pacey says,"Emilio Estevez, he was in those duck movies, remember. Those were classics, so funny." Then everyone just blankly starred at him. Hilarious! If you don't know, that's funny because Joshua Jackson basically got his start in the Mighty Ducks movies.
Yeah, so Dawson's Creek airs on TBS at 9/8AM. Check your local listings. It's totally worth it.
Also, my dad is going to be here in 18 days! I'm so excited!!!
Posted by
5:00 PM
Monday, June 26, 2006
I suck
I've been such a horrible absentee blogger for the last couple of weeks. The main reason for that is not much has been going on.
Here's a funny story. I planted a tree a couple of weeks ago, and I went outside Tuesday night, and it wasn't there. I was just sure some idiot had stolen my tree. Turns out the guy that mows our yard mowed it down. It wasn't a very big tree, just looked like a tall weed with huge leaves on the top of it, I guess. Will it grow back? If you know, let me know.
I went apartment hunting with Brion on Saturday. He and his roommate found a place here in Midwest City, so now instead of having to drive 30 minutes to go to their place, I'll only have to drive like 5. They move in on Thursday. I'm so excited!
Last Sunday, not yesterday, last Sunday, I was drunk and I caught my cat Cheech peeing on the living room floor. I've been contemplating putting him outside for a while. Well, I did it, and it's been 8 days since I've seen him. Maybe someone took him in. I really hope so. I'd feel so guilty if I knew something bad happened to him.
Have a nice day!
Posted by
7:40 PM
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Man, it's been a rough week. Last Tuesday, I was getting ready to leave for work when I discovered that one of my bad dogs had peed on my only clean pants. I had to call in late so I could do laundry. On Wednesday night, my car broke down. On Friday mom & I went to my neice's first ballet recital. It was awesome. On Sunday, my neighbor across the street got in a stand-off with the police. It only lasted like 20 minutes, but it was a very intense and exciting 20 minutes. The guy's wife and kids came to our house while they waited for him to come out. It started when the guy shot their computer like 2 feet from their 17-yr-old's head. How crazy is that? Even crazier, he didn't go to jail. DHS didn't come to check on the safety of the kids, nothing. He got a ticket for discharging a firearm inside the city limits, and they took him to the crisis center, but he was home in a couple of hours. On top of all that, blogger was down for a few days last week, so I couldn't vent here.
Anyway, I was really stressed about my car. I bought an extended warranty when I bought the car, but it only covers powertrain stuff. I was scared that it was going to be something that wasn't covered, and that it was going to cost me a lot of money. I got my car back today, and it didn't cost me anything! All that worrying for nothing. Not that I'm complaining, now I have money to do stuff for the rest of the month.
Hopefully that's the end of the drama for a while, and I can get back to posting regularly.
Have a nice day!
Posted by
4:23 PM
Monday, June 05, 2006
There's something wrong with
I don't know what it is. I don't know if they got hacked, or bought, or what, but it's not working. That's the only place I have links to most of my favorite blogs. I'm so screwed. If I had you on my blogroll, and you're not on the list below, leave a comment with a link to your blog. I definitely won't make the mistake of trusting a website to do something I can do with HTML ever again!
I can remember:
Pink is the new Blog
Post Secret
Kevin Smith
Princess Melissa
Greek Goddess
Librarian Pirate and
Pink Pen Papers.
I'll add these links to the sidebar later. It's the first day of the semester, so I'm a little busy today.
Posted by
3:23 PM
Friday, June 02, 2006
I made it through the wilderness
Oh, yeah, I made it through...Today is the last day of my crappy work schedule! On Monday I go back to a semi-normal schedule. I'm so excited. I get to sleep until 11:00 every day again!
I think I'm going to take a little break from renting my blog out. The renters don't get as many clicks as I think they should, so I feel like I'm ripping them off.
Tomorrow I'm going to a yarn store in Guthrie with my mom. I wonder if there's anything else fun we can do in Guthrie. If you know of anything, let me know.
Oh, I almost forgot, I went to the new Wal-Mart last night. The layout of the place is totally different from any other Wal-Mart I've been in. It was kind of confusing. And, there was this creepy guy with his elderly parents, and I was waiting for them to get out of my way and he says, "I saw your tattoo." Now, the only tattoo that was visible was on my chest, so the guy was letting me know, in front of his elderly parents, that he was gawking at my tits. EWWWWWW!
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.
Posted by
2:09 PM
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
I'm back
...from the long weekend. I had a really good time this weekend. Nothing too exciting happened. Went to the graduation on Friday, then to the graduation party on Saturday. I skipped Danielle's baby shower on Sunday, an just laid around at by brother's. Monday was Brion's birthday. We cooked out and drank beers. It was good times. How was your weekend?
Posted by
11:31 AM
Friday, May 26, 2006
I'm out...
...for the weekend anyway. I'm going to Bartlesville for my cousin's high school graduation. I hope everyone has a safe and happy Memorial Day weekend. Don't forget to click on my renter.
Posted by
2:25 PM
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Welcome, Modern Princess!
I have a new renter. Here's what I want you to do. I want you to go visit her, then I want you to go visit her renter, then I want you to go visit their renter, and so on and so forth until you get to someone who doesn't have a renter, or it sends you back to somewhere you've already been. You don't have to, but it would also be really nice if you leave her a comment that says you got there from here, then leave her renter a comment that says you got there from her, ya know what I'm getting at. I got this idea from my last renter, Tabz. It's a good idea. Spread some blog love.
Posted by
5:16 PM
Taylor won!
The American Idol finale last night was fantastic. So many big name singers came out to perform: Carrie Underwood, Clay Aiken, Meatloaf, Toni Braxton, Mary J. Blige, Prince, Dion Warwick. It was spectacular. I'm so glad Taylor won. Something about Katharine has been rubbing me the wrong way the last couple of weeks.
My favorite finale moment:
Posted by
4:57 PM
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Say hello before she says goodbye
Today is Tabz last day as my renter, well, she's got about 23 hours left, so technically, I guess tomorrow is her last day, but still. She's been a great tenant. I'm going to add her to my blog roll so we can keep up with her. But that's no reason not to go visit her today. Please.
Posted by
2:45 PM
Finally, someone picked me!
I've been having a hard time finding someone who will rent their blog to me. I don't get it. I think I'm good enough, smart enough, funny enough, and dog-gone-it people like me. Anyway, I found a taker. Gita Manas at Home Burrough was nice enough to rent her blog to me. Thank you Gita Manas.
Posted by
2:37 PM
Momma Drama
There was an argument. It started because I didn't do something she wanted me to, and she told me through clenched teeth that she was going to kick my ass. Now, I know there's no way in hell she's capable of kicking my ass, but that's not the point. I told her it wasn't okay for her to tell me she's going to kick my ass, she told me I didn't get it, I told her she didn't get it, I told her I wasn't 16, she told be I act like I'm 16, I told her I didn't, she said I don't take responsibility for anything, I left, went for a drive. When I got home she asked me where I went, I told her for a drive, she told me, don't do that, you scared me. ???WTF???
Posted by
2:34 PM
Monday, May 22, 2006
The boredom is killing me
I hate having to work in between semesters. It's Monday of the 2nd of 3 weeks I have to work 8-5. I'm a creature of habit. I enjoy my routine. Any disruption to my routine throws every aspect of my life for a major loop. On top of that, the campus is deserted. There is nothing for me to do, only a few people to interact with. I feel like these weeks are a black hole of boredom. Any ideas on how I can entertain myself?
Go visit my renter and participate in Click & Comment Monday. Just do it. It'll be fun.
Posted by
2:02 PM
Thursday, May 18, 2006
I have a new renter
Please visit Stupid People Shouldn't Breed. She seems pretty cool. We work similar shifts, and she seems to dislike mornings as much as I do. Now GO! And don't forget to tell her I sent you.
Posted by
2:08 PM
That's Knit-tastic!
I've started a new blog. It's called That's Knit-tastic! It's where I'm going to post all of my knitting related stuff. Again, if you're a knitter in the Midwest City area, or are interested in learning to knit, let me know. I'm trying to start a knitting circle.
P.S. I fixed the problem I was having with my archives. I really like the way it looks now. Also, don't get attached to this template. I'm working on a new one.
Posted by
11:40 AM
Monday, May 15, 2006
Zoo pictures
I mentioned in the audio post below that I had pictures of the bears in a compromising position. Here are the pictures. The Tulsa zoo is home to many amorous animals. I can honestly say that the last several times I've been there, one pair of animals or another has been getting it on.
Posted by
11:06 AM
Friday, May 12, 2006
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
My archives are so pissing me off. I don't like the way it looks. I've spent hours today trying to fix it to no avail. Stupid blogger. Stupid html. Stupid internet. I hate it all right now!
Posted by
6:55 PM
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Check out my new renter
This is pretty close to what the huge moth from last night looked like. Amazing, isn't it?
I have a new renter, he's a young British dude. He has an interesting take on some current issues hounding Americans. You should give him a little click. You know you want to.
I talked to my library class instructor today. She told me as long as I take the final, I'll get an A in the class. I saved my 4.0, and I didn't even have to apply myself. I need to go to a different school. This one doesn't have very high expectations for it's students. I haven't been really challenged by a single class I've taken here, but what should I expect from a community college, really?
Posted by
6:29 PM
Monday, May 08, 2006
My whole body hurts
On Friday, I planted tomatoes, and tore up the carpet in my living room. On Saturday, I pulled up the tack strips from the carpet and sanded the floors. I didn't get to bed until 4:30! Yesterday, after working 8 hours, I finished the sanding and stained the floors. On top of that I have to work until midnight today and tomorrow, and I have to take my final for the library class by midnight on Wednesday. I went home on my lunch hour today, and mom decided she was going to put another coat of stain on. Yeah, she totally did it wrong. She didn't wipe it down, she just painted it on and left it. She also moved the entertainment center back into the living room and stained AROUND it. AND, she left a "path" from the hallway to the kitchen! Now there are 2 big areas that don't match the rest of the floor, that looked not so great to begin with. My life would be a lot easier if she would just tell me what to do and let me do it. She doesn't NEED to get in on the action. She's going to do it wrong anyway, and I'm going to have to fix it. It just means more work for me. So, that's why my whole body hurts.
Oh, yeah, I saw a moth the size of my hand. I was amazed. It was ginormous! I made everybody go look at it.
I may not be back for a couple of days, I have to study. Have a nice day!
Posted by
10:50 PM
Monday, May 01, 2006
Monty popped my cherry!
On Friday, Monty became the first person I met on the internet that I've met in real life. We went to lunch at El Chico's. I get very nervous about meeting new people, so I was freaking out a little, but it was great! We talked for 2 solid hours. It was so much fun. Thanks Monty, you rock!
Have a nice day!
Posted by
4:56 PM
Sunday, April 30, 2006
A Knitting Group?
I want to start a knitting group in Midwest City. Probably on Saturday afternoons. If you are in the Midwest City area and knit, or know someone who knits, please email me, or have them email me. Please.
Posted by
7:26 PM
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
You gotta love the crazies...
...if only for their entertainment value. I have a profile posted on an internet dating site. Occasionally, guys will email me, but it never amounts to anything more than a little chit chat. There are some occasions that you do get a crazy though. Well, needless to say, I got a crazy. The first time crazy emailed me, on February 12, this is what he said:
saw your profile and i actually gazed at your pic for a very long time saying could this be the one have been wanting to meet all my life?baby you are an angel,and that is why i am using taking my time to let you know that you are been felt by me,can i get to know you better?kisses from me david.I responded, on February 15, in what I thought was a very sarcastic way with:
That's really sweet and all, but you're half a country away. How do you see that working?Notice my response, though sarcastic, was properly capitalized and punctuated. Apparently he didn't realize I was being sarcastic, and didn't take the capitalization and punctuation hint, because today I received this:
hello pretty,
sorry i've been offline in a while it's due to the nature of my job but i guess am a little free for now,have been thinking about you lately and really love to know a bit about you if thats ok with you?i guess i havent felt this way in a long time and i must confess i think am inlove with someone i donot know,but one thing i do believe and that is destiny i guess that's what made me find you here,pls do reply soon as i will be coming back to the states in about a month from now,kisses yours david.
Seriously? He thinks he's in love with me? After that? Okay, my profile (there) SAYS that I'm a Mensan, so apparently he doesn't know what that means if he thinks I'm dumb enough to fall for that shit.
Oh well, it's fun for us to laugh at.
Posted by
9:30 PM
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
I had a fabulous weekend
I had a great time at the lake. There were a couple of firsts. I slept in a tent for the first time. I kayaked for the first time (more on that later). I was up until like 4:00am every night. My friend Michael was there. I always have loads of fun with him. Michael, Karissa, and I killed a fairly large bottle of vodka by ourselves Friday night. After all the grown ups and small children went to bed, we went to the playground (our camp site was right across the street) and swang/swinged? and went down the slide and played on the merry go round. After Karissa went to bed, around 3:30, Michael and I went and stood with our feet in the lake. Sean and Jonah came out on Saturday, and again after the grown ups went to bed there was more drinking. We only drank beer on Saturday night, but I felt way worse Sunday morning than I did on Saturday morning after the vodka. Anyway, it was the first time I had partied with Jonah and my cousin "Bubba". He's 18 now, so we figured it was okay to give him beer. (Bubba on the left, Jonah on the right)
I think they had just as much fun as I did. Again we went swinging at 2:00am. Bubba climbed on top of the swingset structure. Drunk. But we didn't think about how bad of an idea that was until the next morning.
Posted by
2:56 PM
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Thank God my head's attached...
...because if it weren't, I'd lose it.
Today is April 13. Taxes are due April 15. I can't find my W-2. I'm such an idiot. I should have just filed my taxes at the end of January when I got my W-2 so this wouldn't happen.
Add to that the paper I have to write for my library class that's due on the 17th, and Easter weekend too. I may have a bit of a meltdown this weekend. I was discussing my paper with one of the librarians, and she said my research was good, I just had to organize my thoughts, so that's half the battle. The problem is that every time I've had a free second to do that, I've been playing games, or working on my template, or writing this very post. Oh well.
I dropped my history class today. It was a telecourse that I was supposed to watch videos and read the text for. I put off buying the book until it was pretty much too late, so I just added another W to my transcript. I have more W's than actual grades on my transcript. But, the grades I do have are A's. Until I finish my library class.
I took the library class, Intro to Library Technical Assistant, so I could get an easy A. Hell, my title is Library Technical Assistant. The highest grade I can get at this point is a B. I don't know if I'll even be able to pull that out. It's totally my fault. It's not like the material is to hard, or anything like that. I'm just a slacker. I took zeroes on 2, maybe 3 assignments worth 10 points each just because I didn't feel like doing them.
Anyway, for Easter, most of my family, including my mother and I are going camping at the lake. I've checked out a laptop so I can write my paper there. We'll see if it actually gets done.
BTW, I totally won the battle in the war of the strong willed women.
Have a nice day. Happy Easter!
Hell, who am I trying to kid. I picked her because it sounds dirty! Can I get a whoo whoo!
Seriously, her blog REALLY is well written. Go visit her.
Posted by
9:30 PM
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
You naughty boy...
I saw what you were looking at. There's no point trying to deny it. I know what a naked penis looks like. I also don't have a problem with people looking at naked penises on the internet, just not in my library.
Okay, so I caught a guy looking at naked pictures of men. Not a big deal. Until I had to tell him he couldn't be looking at that stuff on our computers. He totally tried to deny it. He had the naked pics in little windows, then in a big window in the background, he had a google search for cartoon network. So, when I told him he couldn't look at that here, he said, "What, cartoon network?" I said, "No, in the other windows." He pulled up another window with a myspace profile. I said, "You know what I'm talking about." That was about an hour ago. I haven't seen him looking at any more.
It pissed me off that he denied it. He would have been a lot better off if he had just acknowledged it and apologized. Now he's on my radar. He's going down.
My resolution is set to 1024 x 768, so when I make web pages, I make them to fit on my screen, but if more people are viewing it on 800 x 600, I'd be willing to try to adapt, I just need to know. <-total run-on sentence
Posted by
5:56 PM
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Monday, April 10, 2006
Caroyln Hart will be at my library tomorrow!
Oklahoma mystery author Carolyn Hart is coming to speak at my library tomorrow! I'm about half way through her 4th book in the Henrie O series. I have so many questions for her. If you're interested in coming, she'll be at the Rose State College LRC tomorrow, April 11 at 3:30 PM. Everyone is welcome. I hope you'll stop by.
Posted by
8:31 PM
Still a rebellious teenager
My mother and I are currently in the midst of a battle in the war of the strong willed women. Alas, there is no end in sight. No plan to pull out the troops. Just occasional grenade blasts that lead to new battles. The battles are always the same. I'm somewhere other than at home, she calls wants me to come home immediately (whether I'm 30 minutes or 2 hours away) because she has a wild hair up her ass that she can't scratch without my help. I am a rebel at heart. My first reaction when she gets like that is to revert back to the 16-year-old in me and do the exact opposite of what she says.
She's the queen of the guilt trip too. She said something to the extent of, "Oh, yeah, I want to sit at home by myself all weekend." It's not my fault she's sitting at home by herself all weekend! I have a life! It's not my job to entertain her when she's not at work, and it's also not my fault that she's isolated herself and doesn't have any friends!
Our living situation quit being healthy a couple of years ago, but alas, I can't afford to move out. Hopefully that will change soon.
When I was a teenager, I never got into any "real" trouble, but I was definitely "difficult" for a couple of years. My parents smothered me (sorry Dad, but you know it's true), so the first chance I got, I moved out and did almost everything they had ever told me not to.
I didn't used to mind doing things to help my mom out, but she isn't always willing to wait for me to do them on my timetable. She used to get pissed and start doing what she had asked me to do, only she'd be doing it wrong, so I'd end up getting up and finishing it. I learned that trick, and now those days are over.
She asks me to do so much that it's gotten to the point that when she asks me to do something my automatic reaction is no.
My sister understands what I'm going through. Before my mom left Bartlesville, after Leslie was married even, she was my mom's beckon call girl. I don't think my brother really gets it though. He's never had to deal with her to the extent that we have. He's a boy, he always got treated different. Hell, now I'm getting pissed off at him too! Damn it! Now the middle child syndrome is starting to rear it's head! I gotta go.
Hope this makes sense, and hope you're having a better day than I am!
Posted by
7:48 PM
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Let's reminisce
I'm feeling lazy, and don't want to write a fresh post. I'm reposting some of my favorite old posts, from back when no one read my blog, so they're going to be new to most of you. Enjoy.
From May 24, 2005: Amanda's All-Time 102 Best Films
From April 17, 2003: My first college paper. I got an A.
From March 9, 2004: Idol isn't a new obsession
From March 1, 2004: An article about me was in the school paper.
Have a nice day.
Posted by
6:10 PM
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
A.D.D. Idol
First, my mom says I'm weird because I take notes while I'm watching Idol. Those notes are about to come in really handy though.
Some advice for the contestants: Whether you like or are excited about the theme or not, you're not going to make it to the end if you don't give it your all, go balls to the wall EVERY week.
The guest whatever last night was Kenny Rogers. I grew up on Kenny; I love him. My mom is a huge fan, so I can't help but feel nostalgic when I see him. Usually. Not so much last night. He didn't look too good. I think he's had his eyes done, and the results weren't great. Also, what happened to Kenny's signature feathered hair? Kenny used to have good, no, great hair. He's got to do something about the new look. It's just not right.
On to the singing:
Taylor - Country Road Take Me Home - With a genre as big as country, there were so many songs that would have been better suited for his voice than this one. I'm sad to say it was the worst performance of the night, and he's at risk for elimination.
Mandisa - Any Man of Mine - I love the original version of this song. Mandisa is great, but the advice above is mostly to her. This is a great upbeat fast song that she could have done way better with. I thought it started bad, ended better, but she could have been 1000% better if she'd gotten into it.
Elliot - If Tomorrow Never Comes - I thought it was great, awesome, fabulous, terrific. A really good song choice for him. He showed more of that potential that I mentioned last week. He could quietly win if the other contestants don't step up.
Paris - How Do I Live Without You - This is the Paris that I fell in love with during Hollywood week. The look, the voice, everything. She is greatness.
Ace - I Wanna Cry - He melted my heart again. He tells the story of the song with his eyes.
Kelly - Fancy - Remember last week when I made a list of songs I wanted each artist to sing? Well, I think Kelly may have read that(total wishful thinking), because she sang the song I picked for her, and she did an awesome job. Great performance of the perfect song choice for her.
Chris - Making Memories Of Us - Surprisingly better than I though it would be, and it was nice to hear him do something different. He showed the versatility asked for last week, and even though he was out of his element, he still shined.
Katherine - Bringing Out the Elvis in Me - It was good, sexy, "sultry" as Kenny put it. I think it was the most fun song of the night. I'm back on the McPheever train.
Bucky - Best I Ever Had - It was a really good song choice. I expected a good performance from him on country night, and I wasn't disappointed.
Kelly gets my pick for best of the night, Taylor for worst. It's to that point in the competition where everyone left is good, so I hate to see anyone go.
Don't forget to visit my renter.
Posted by
2:33 PM
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Girls with Tools
I've always considered myself pretty competent with tools. Like all women, sometimes I find uses other than the intended use. Long story short long, I was holding the handle of the screw driver against the wall over the anchor I just sunk and was hitting the handle of the screw driver with the hammer to make the anchor flush with the wall. The first whack, I slightly smooshed my fingers between the screw driver and the wall. I didn't smash them enough that it hurt, just to move my fingers into a "better" position, you know, so they weren't between the screw driver and the wall anymore. With my hand in the "better" position, I hit my finger really hard with the hammer. I managed to hit my finger in a way that, though there were no sharp edges on the hammer, I bruise AND cut it. Like my sister says, A helmet won't help with that.
It is looking a lot better today than it did when the injury was incurred on Thursday.
This is the arrangement that caused the injury.
I stenciled this mirror all by myself.
I have a new renter, and if I'm not mistaken, it's my first boy tenant. Everyone go visit, be friendly, leave comments.
I may post later about my visit to Bartlesville, but I think it'll be hard to beat the funny story I posted on Sunday.
Posted by
9:41 PM
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Jill Carroll freed!
I try not to discuss any kind of political anything here, but this news was too good not to talk about it. I'm so happy that Jill Carroll, reporter for the Christian Science Monitor who was kidnapped in Iraq 3 monthes ago, has been released unharmed. Yesterday her twin sister pleaded for her safe release, and it worked. Carroll's kidnappers had demanded the release of all female prisoners in Iraq in U.S. custody. I believe the kidnappers never wanted to kill her, and got bored waiting for us to release there women.
Posted by
3:15 PM
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
A.D.D. Idol
Here's how I thought the Idols did last night:
Lisa Tucker - Because of You, Kelly Clarkson - It was just bad. She sounded pitchy and horrible. I agree with Simon, it was painful.
Kelly Pickler - Suds in the Bucket, Sara Evans - It was a good performance. The judges were wrong though, she isn't better than the song. The song choice was perfect for her. That's her niche. I don't think she's as good as they act like she is.
Ace Young - Drops of Jupiter, Train - He has a self confidence problem. Ace doesn't think he's as good as he really is. That's difference between Ace and Constantine. Constantine thought he was better than he was. I think it was better than karaoke, which it sounded like to Simon, and he's definitely got the smoldering look into the camera thing down.
Taylor Hicks - Trouble, Ray LaMontagne - His was the best performance of the night, and he looked kind of hot in that leather jacket.
Mandisa - Wanna Praise You, Mary Mary - Her Jesus loving ass was probably freaking the F out about America "worshipping" the "Idol" at the church of Mandisa. Also, her performance was definitely indulgent.
Chris Daughtry - What If, Creed - Creed? Seriously? Chris, you're so much better than that, but What If you show some versatility.
Katherine McPhee - The Voice Within, Christina Aguilera - The judges said best of the night, it was the worst. She was all over the place vocally. I'm a fan of Katherine, but this was her worst performance so far. **I just accidently totally not on purpose just heard Xtina singing this on Yahoo! Music, and she didn't sound that good singing it either.
Bucky Covington - Real Good Man, Tim McGraw - I'm not a fan of his, but I am a fan of the song. He sang it well.
Paris - Work It Out, Beyonce - She DID work it out. It was a really good performance. Best female of the night.
Elliot Yamin I Don't Want to Be, Gavin DeGraw - One word: potential.
I'd almost put money on Lisa going home tonight.
Here's a song I'd like to hear each of them sing before the end:
~Lisa - I'm Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman by Britney Spears
~Kelly - Strawberry Wine by Deana Carter or Fancy by Reba
~Ace - I Swear by John Michael Montgomery or This I Promise You by NSYNC or Your Body is a Wonderland by John Mayer
~Taylor - Iris by The Goo Goo Dolls
~Mandisa - Fast Car by Tracy Chapman
~Chris - Lightning Crashes by Live or Photograph by Nickelback or I Remember You by Skid Row
~Katherine - Words Get in the Way by Gloria Estefan or In My Life by Bette Middler
~Bucky - The Dukes of Hazzard theme by Waylon Jennings
~Paris - Free Your Mind by En Vogue
~Elliot - Pianoman by Billy Joel
These are all songs I deeply love and think these people could sing great.
And now, for something completely off topic, that new show Teachers on NBC is cute, but it's not funnier than Joey, and doesn't deserve to be in his time slot.
I moved into my new office today. It's great. I'm isolated in a corner away from everyone else, and it's huge, and it has a built in bookcase, and it's going to look fabulous after I decorate.
Don't forget to visit my renter.
Have a nice day.
Posted by
9:42 PM
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Funny story
I'm going to Bartlesville this weekend to visit my sister. Brion's roomate is going with me. Her parents live in Bartlesville now, but she didn't grow up there. She doesn't know about the few cool things to do in Bartlesville, though there aren't many at all. She doesn't know it yet, but we're going to got to Keepsake Candles, The Red Dirt Soap Company, Murphy's Steak House, and maybe Frank Phillips' home or Woolaroc. I'm most excited about going to Murphy's. It's definitely worth the 3 hour drive to Bartlesville just to eat there.
Make sure you visit my renter and congratulate her on her recent engagement. Look down a couple of posts for a picture of the ring. It's amazing! I'm a little jealous.
Posted by
5:37 PM
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Damn Oklahoma Weather
It snowed here last night, and there was snow on the ground when I left for work today, so I dressed appropriately for the weather. The temperature rose, the snow is all gone, and now I'm burning up! Damn you Oklahoma weather! Damn you to hell!
My mom emailed me this, and I thought it was funny, so I'm reposting it here:
A girl from Oklahoma and a girl from the west coast were seated side by side on an airplane.
The girl from Oklahoma, being friendly and all, said, "So, where y'all from?"
The west coast girl said, "From a place where they know better than to use a preposition at the end of a sentence."
The girl from Oklahoma sat quietly for a few moments and then replied:
"So, where y'all from, bitch?"
Don't forget to visit my renter. She graded the performances of the Idols this week.
Posted by
1:14 PM
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
TV recap
NBC has pulled Four Kings from Thursday nights. It's unclear what they'll do with the remaining 6 episodes. {from tvsquad}
They have also pulled Joey from the schedule indefinitely, which means Friends really is over. I'm sad.
If you haven't caught Big Love on HBO yet, you need to. Bill Paxton plays a polygamist with 3 wives. It's pretty funny. They've already aired 2 episodes, but it's HBO, so it will be on again.
Prison Break came back from hiatus last night with an episode that lives up to the intensity expected from this great series. It's looking like they may actually have to execute Lincoln. He lost his last appeal, the governor denied him clemency, they're about to strap him to the chair. Michael is on his way to the viewing room, he's not going to be able to do anything to help from there, hopefully his boys can pull something off.
I caught a little bit of some medical miracles show last night with a guy with a ginormous tongue. It was really gross, but the doctors were able to reduce the size of it by 2/3, so almost the whole thing fit in his mouth.
Don't forget to visit my renter. She's got a link to a really hot guy cleaning house without a shirt.
Posted by
4:56 PM
Monday, March 20, 2006
This Weekend
This weekend I went to Tulsa for my neice's 3rd birthday party. It was a princess bowling party. We had loads of fun. I got to feel my pregnant cousin's baby kick. I gave 5 haircuts yesterday including my own. When I cut Sean's hair, I had him plug my clippers in under the table. While he was on his hands and knees I clicked them on real quick and shaved the hair on his back right above his butt. It was hilarious. Sydney told EVERYBODY that, "M shaved daddy's butt!" You would not believe how many toys the kid got. Her bedroom looks Toys 'r' Us now.
Is it just my family, or does every family have one person who is always an asshole no matter what?
In our family, it's my cousin Andrew. He met met my pregnant cousin's husband, Jonah, for the first time last night and decided that he doesn't like him. I don't get it. I think if Andrew would give Jonah a chance, he would love him. My immediate family loves him. He's a very charismatic fun happy hyper guy, and the kids can't get enough of him. He and my cousin are married, they're having a baby. Andrew might as well make the best of it and just be friends with him instead of brooding and being a dick, but that won't happen. Oh well. It's Andrew's loss.
I have a new renter. Go check her out, leave a comment, tell her I sent you.
How was your weekend?
Posted by
6:01 PM
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Some pictures of my animals :)
This is Chopper with his baby. I think it's a mini beanie baby from McDonalds. He's become very attached to it in the last couple of days. He takes it with him everywhere. He doesn't chew it, he just holds it in his mouth like that.
This is Cheech. He really enjoys a good game of Card Sharks.
Cheech is the only one of my cats that isn't fixed and declawed. He regularly tries to give Mr. Chong some sweet lovin'.
*Warning*: This post contains gay cat porn.
And Mr. Chong just lays there and lets him.
Cheech is also very adventurous.
Mom hollered at me last night, "Amanda, come here, hurry, quick!" So I ran into her room thinking something was wrong. Nothing wrong, just a cat on top of her closet door.
Remember the puppies? This is Pebbles, the one we gave to my grandma.
And these are a couple of my favorite animals ever.
My nephew Panky and my neice Baby Pudge. Isn't Baby Pudge cute?
Panky is really cute too. I call him Panky because Leslie got him a bowl cut a while back and he looked just like Panky* from The Little Rascals.
*I know his name was Spanky, but Buckwheat called him Panky, so I can too. Leslie really didn't like it when I tried to teach him to say otay. :)
Posted by
12:12 PM
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
My 4.0 isn't as in jeopardy as I thought it was. My instructor gave us all 5 extra points because one of her questions wasn't clear, so I pulled out a 90% on the test.
I was sick yesterday. It was very traumatic. I had to lay on my couch and watch TV all day to get over it.
My neice Sydney's birthday party is this weekend. I'm really excited. It's a princess bowling party. I really like bowling, and I really like my tiara, finally, I get to combine the two.
Visit my renter please. I'm too lazy today to make a link, but it's on the sidebar, you can figure it out.
At several blogs I've visited, I've seen people's lists of 100 things about them. I'm working on my list. Okay, I've been working on the list for a while now, but I will get it done eventually, so you should keep coming back to see if I've finished it yet. :)
Have a nice day!
Posted by
4:43 PM
Monday, March 13, 2006
Carolyn Hart
Author Carolyn Hart is coming to my library! She will be here, at the Rose State College LRC, on April 11 at 3:30 for a Friends of the Library meeting. These meetings are open to the public, so if you're in the area feel free to stop by.
The temperature was in the 70's all weekend. It's 48 degrees right now. You gotta love this Oklahoma weather.
It's Spring Break here in Midwest City, and unlike most, I am not excited about it. Usually I work Sun.-Thurs. 1:00-10:00. I sleep until noon every day. I love my work schedule. During Spring Break, I have to work 8:00-5:00. I got up at 6:30 this morning. It was after 2:00AM before I even went to sleep. Usually I love my job, but this is the one thing I don't like about it.
Check out my new renter. Please. Don't make me beg.
Posted by
1:58 PM
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Remember this about my sister's TV boyfriend? Well, it looks like things are not going well for Mr. Hasselhoff. On Tuesday came the news of domestic violence charges, and today he plead no contest to a DUI charge. Things are not going well for the Night Rider.
The Dubai port drama is over. The UAE is transferring control to a US "entity". Thank goodness.
If you're going to fuck your neighbor's sheep, don't get caught.
Did you watch Black.White. last night on FX? If not, you totally should. It will be on again on Sunday night at 10:00(central time).
If you're watching Idol this season, you have to know who Ace is. I want him
So, a nun and a librarian walk into a spelling bee...for real. No joke.
I did not do as well as I thought I would on the midterm for my library class. I fear that my 4.0 is in danger.
Posted by
3:28 PM
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
I've got a midterm to study for, so I'm reposting my post (borrowing this idea from Monty) from March 8, 2004. It's about the love of my life, Colby. :)
Colby was on Curb Your Enthusiasm last night. I don't ever watch this show, but I made an exception for the Colbster. It was really funny. Larry was talking to the rabbi, and invited him to dinner. The rabbi asked if he could bring his friend, and said he was a Survivor. Larry said his dad had a friend who was a survivor, and invited him to dinner. The rabbi's Survivor was Colby, and the dad's survivor was a survivor of the holocaust. Colby and the holocaust survivor got into an arguement over dinner about who had it worse off. If you'd like to see it, let me know. I taped it.
Tonight is Three Dog Night. I can't wait! I get to leave work early; that's why you're hearing from me now.
I have never tried to hide where I stand on the positions of the Survivor: All-Stars(see March 2). Everyone in my family knows of my love for Colby. Yet, my brother, Sean, who knows Colby is going to win, is trying to cause a ruckus. I don't know why, but for some reason, Sean is a fan of Boston Rob. Probably because Rob is an ass just like Sean. Anyway, all Survivor fans know that if you're not Richard Hatch, or a shady car salesman, you can't win by being an ass. And, we all saw Richard Hatch get voted off BECAUSE COLBY SAID SO! If Boston Rob makes it to the merge, I think that Colby will say so again, and Rob will be gone. And, I will laugh at Sean forever!!! Muahahaha!
This is the last time I'm going to address the Sean/Rob affair. Until Colby wins.
It looks like I was wrong about the Rob/Colby thing since Colby got voted off before the merge, and Rob came in second, and got a dumb little trophy wife out of it.
Posted by
2:00 PM
Monday, March 06, 2006
The Oscars
I watched the Oscars. I watched the pregame show on E!. I watched some postgame show on E!. This is what I got from it:
Reese won best actress.
George won best supporting actor.
Crash won best picture.
I haven't seen any of the movies that were nominated, except Harry Potter, and it was only nominated for visual effects or some crap like that.
Ryan Seacrest is a giant douche bag.
On the E! post game show Serena Williams called Phillip Seymour Hoffman "Phillip Semen Hoffmour". I nearly fell out!
Visit Tiny Voices in My Head.
My mom was out of town all weekend. My weekend was wonderful. How was yours?
Posted by
9:15 PM
Thursday, March 02, 2006
New tenant, and a couple of other things
I have a new tenant, Tiny Voices in My Head. I added her to the blogs I read last week. She's good. Go visit her. You know you want to, everybody's doing it.
There's an interesting rumor going around a certain college campus in Midwest City. The rumor is that the girl's basketball coach was forced to resign after being caught with a certain part of his anatomy in the mouth of one of the basketball players on the bus on the way home from an away game. I don't know how much truth there is to this story, but I do know for sure that he no longer works
I left work early last night and Heather and I went shopping. We had a great time without spending too much money. I've been pretty social this week, and therefore I am way behind on my TV viewing. I'm going to have to get caught up this weekend. I did watch Lost & Freddie before I went to bed last night. Both shows were really good. On Lost, Claire remembered some of what happened to her when the "others" had her. Freddie is just hilarious from beginning to end. Everyone should watch it. The Chris character is the best.
Brian lost his father yesterday. Stop by and give him your condolences, I know this must be a very hard time for him. I couldn't even begin to imagine the pain I would be in if I lost my father.
I love you daddy.
Have a nice day!
Posted by
4:55 PM
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
I do not acknowledge that my soon to be 84-year-old grandmother is mortal. She is an earthbound saint, and that's all there is to it. The deaths of Don Knotts, 81, Darren McGavin, 83, and Dennis Weaver, 81 are making my delusion very hard to maintain. On top of that, Super B.J.'s grandfather died this morning.
Mortality has always disturbed me. I don't handle death well, whether it's someone I know and am close to, or someone I've feuded with in the past, the news of someone dying always makes me very sad. The sadness isn't always for me. The sadness I feel is for the loved ones of the deceased, knowing that they've lost someone close to them, that they won't ever be able to look at, touch, talk to that person ever again for the rest of their life, that's what makes me sad.
I have a hard time letting people get close to me because I know, no matter what, some way, some how, the relationship will end, and I have a hard time dealing with the pain that goes along that. It's so much easier just to keep people at arms length. The less attached you are, the less it will hurt when it's over, ya know. It's can't be that way with grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, etc. though. You've already let them in and are attached to them before you can understand the pain losing them will cause you. I've been lucky. I haven't lost that many people close to me, which is going to make it even harder when it starts happening, because inevitably it will happen. Don't get me wrong; if I'd known in advance the pain I would feel for the loss of my grandfather, I still would have loved him just as much, gotten just as attached to him, and hurt just as much when he died. I guess that's just another one of those mysterious ways The Big Man works.
Hope I didn't bring y'all down. Have a nice day. Call SOMEONE and tell them that you love them. It'll make their day.
Posted by
8:00 PM
Monday, February 27, 2006
Grey's Anatomy
I'm a recent convert to Grey's Anatomy, and watching last night's episode got me to thinking. Why is Dr. McDreamy so dreamy? I'll admit, in 1987, he bought my love, but now, 20 years later, in 2006, why are we as women so drawn to him, or, even worse, what he represents? What is so mind bogglingly attractive about a man who's unavailable? He's married; he cheated on his wife with Meredith. And, she's no saint herself. She had an affair with a married man. Did she know he was married when she was sleeping with him? George is a really good catch, and a sweet sensitive man. What she did to him is unforgivable. There are women out there who do stuff like this all the time. On one hand you have the sweet, sensitive, caring, attractive available guy, and on the other hand an asshole in every sense of the work, womanizer, cheater, liar, and 9 out of 10 times, women pick the bad guy. It doesn't make sense to me. And, here's what happens to the good guy: he's continually rejected for the bad guy, so he starts lying, cheating, womanizing, and turns into the bad guy to protect himself from the rejection. Before you know it, they're all going to turn bad, and I'm never going to be able to find a good one. It's not fair! Stupid women are ruining it for everybody!
Librarian Pirate has been drunk blogging. Go check her out. Please.
Also, my sister may be interested to know that her boyfriend is divorcing his wife. Good luck with that sis.
Posted by
4:23 PM
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Lazy Sunday
I'm feeling very lazy today, so here's what you get:
Visit Librarian Pirate. She has a Green Tea Cheesecake with Peach Raspberry Macedoine recipe that looks scrumptious.
Random Good Stuff has an awesome video you MUST check out. Have your Kleenex® ready.
Postsecret has some good secrets today. The tennis one cracked me up a little bit.
I added some links to the blogs I read. One of them is Bad Hair Day. She has a funny post about K-Fed's new dreads.
Dan has a story about paratroopers being court-martialed or discharged for having sex for money. Naughty naughty boys.
Karissa has some adorable pictures of my brother & my niece. Sean & Karissa left for Vegas yesterday. Stop by and wish her luck.
Princess Melissa has a whole new look.
There was an "incident" at Jake's family poker game. He needs some feedback.
I kinda stole borrowed this idea from Brian's Weekend Roundup. Thanks for the fabulous idea, Brian. Your roundup is way better than mine.
Hope everyone else's Sunday is as lazy and unproductive as mine.
Have a nice day!
Posted by
6:54 PM
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Blog Explosion
In case you haven't noticed, I'm kind of a follower some times. Monty is sort of my blog mentor, and she rents her blog on Blog Explosion, so, in true follower form, I followed her lead, joined Blog Explosion, and am now renting my blog. This week's renter is Librarian Pirate. You totally have to go check her out. It's easy. Just click on the picture under where it says email me. You don't want me to be a blog renting failure, now do you? She's a library student, so she's super cool. I've also added her to the blogs I read list. Enjoy.
Posted by
3:06 PM
Super B.J.
There's a guy I work with, and I'm pretty sure he's a super hero. He just got new glasses that make him look like by day he's a mild mannered library worker that goes by the name Ben. But his mom works here too, and I know all of his family calls him B.J., so it's totally possible that by day he's mild mannered library worker Ben, and by night he's SUPER B.J.
I'm pretty sure the gay men of America aren't lucky enough to have a super hero named Super B.J., but it gives me a giggle.
Posted by
9:00 AM
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
The book I just started
Last night I started reading Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy. This was Oprah's book club book last summer. I'm a little slow on the pick-up. If you go here, there is a full text copy on line. We can read it together! If you're interested, let me know, I'll try to figure out a way for us to discuss it.
There are a lot of other "classic" books available at the same site (Classic Bookshelf) if Anna Karenina doesn't interest you. It's a really cool site. It opens the book in Java, and you can pick your font color, size, background color, etc., and they will email you a bookmark to where you left off so you don't have to search for where you are every time you have to take a break.
I'm also taking suggestions for the next book I should read after this one, if you have any ideas
Have a nice day!
Posted by
4:40 PM
The book I just finished
I just finished reading The Cider House Rules by John Irving. It was amazing. It's about adoption and abortion and life. The character development is really good. You really get to know the characters. I haven't seen the movie, but if you've seen the movie, I still recommend that you read the book. I'm sure that there's a lot more detail and character development in the book than the movie. The main character, Homer Wells is very easy to fall in love with. He's an orphan who has trouble getting adopted. He's a very noble, heroic character, though he does have his flaws. Candy is also a great character. She's got a lot of flaws, but you can't help but like her. Also, if you're on the fence about you feel about abortion, I would recommend that you read this book. It may help shed some light on the issue for you.
Posted by
4:19 PM
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
I had a 4 day weekend...
...and I accomplished absolutely nothing. That's an accomplishment in itself.
I came across these at Snozzberries, and couldn't just do myself.
Amanda -- [adjective]: Tastes like fried chicken 'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at |
karissa -- [noun]: A person who falls into an outhouse and dies 'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at |
sean -- [adjective]: Like in nature to a kangaroo 'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at |
brion -- [adjective]: Pretentiously academian 'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at |
Leslie -- [adjective]: Extremely flatulent 'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at |
Hey, Pooter, that means farty.
I learned something interesting today. Apparently, I'm intimidating. To men. That I work with. This is not a goal I set out to achieve. It all started when one of the girls I work with (jokingly) said that if I got promoted to her boss, she'd rather go on welfare than work under me. (Really it was funny at the time.) So, from that the conversation turned to am I intimidating. I asked the guys that walked past if I was intimidating. They said yes, then skittered away as quickly as they could.
I don't see myself as an intimidating person. I think I'm really nice a majority of the time. And, I've toned it down a LOT. It's not like when I was cutting hair, and thought I was queen of the beauty shop. That's because I knew all there was to know about running the beauty shop, and I knew I was the best at it. (Hairdresser Amanda is kind of cocky about her mad skills.) Here, I understand that I don't know everything about everything, and try to fly under the radar as much as possible. I guess it's not working.
Posted by
9:42 PM
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Oprah's web cam warning to parents
Parents, if your child has a web cam, you need to be aware of what could happen to them. This could be your kid. It COULD happen to you, and if you believe it won't, it WILL. Child porn is huge on the web. The availability of it is unbelievable, as is the way the pedophile predators seduce children into participating.
Remember back in November when I had jury duty? I haven't really discussed it, here or with the people in my daily life, because it was a very disheartening experience for me. I was assigned to a jury in a child pornography case. There were 100 counts, 88 photos and 12 videos of explicit child pornography that we as jurors had to view and review to reach a decision. We found the man guilty and sent him to prison, not for as long as I wanted to, but still, for a long time. The abhorrent images of these children performing hardcore sex acts with other children, and with adults, still haunt me. I'm not trying to scare you, I just want to make everyone aware of the dangers so the proper precautions can be taken to prevent your children from being victimized in the same manor.
Posted by
4:22 PM
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
I took a personality test
Let me know how accurate you think it is.
Advanced Global Personality Test Results
personality tests by
Posted by
2:30 PM
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Valentine's Day
I was going to write a post about the origins of Valentine's Day, but I started doing some research and got bored with it, so I'm just going to write a post about how SUPER LAME Valentine's Day is.
Valentine's Day is super lame. The end.
Posted by
6:15 PM
Monday, February 13, 2006
I had a yucky week
I had a really bad week last week. I was cranky and mean, and I hated EVERYTHING! I had a fabulous weekend, though, and I'm feeling much better now. On Friday I went to my Grandma's house and stayed the night. It was great. There's no feeling like saying the night at Grandma's house. When I stay there, I try not to be a burdon, but she loves nurturing people! 5 times she asked me what I wanted for breakfast. And 5 times I told her I don't eat breakfast. Especially not at 10 in the morning. After I get to work at 2 I usually grab a bag of chips and a DP from the vending machine, but never anything breakfasty. Sean yelled at me, he was like, "Dumbass! Grandma will make you french toast!" Yeah, I know.
Leslie came over with Mason and Paige. They're so cute, and rotten! Some people came over to look at the puppies. They had a little boy with them that was probably 7 or 8. Mason, 3, walked right up to him and head butted him. Insane!
For lunch Grandma got us KFC. I think baby Paige ate more than the rest of us did. All of her chicken that she ate was the skin, in one bite. She chowed down on some mashed potatoes though.
I ended up selling the last 3 puppies to a little pet store in Bartlesville. It seemed like a good pet store that really cared about it's animals.
Saturday night we went out for Karissa's birthday. It was off the hook. I was sober most of the night, which is not a role I usually play, but after new year's, I'm a little scared to drink again. I did learn that I don't have to be drunk to act like Drunk Amanda though. I'm pretty sure all of Karissa's friends who had a camera with them that night have a picture of my cleavage.
Posted by
9:06 PM
Monday, February 06, 2006
The Wonders of Television
Hi, my name is Amanda, and I'm addicted to television. I love my TV, everything about it is awesome. I have a DVR, so I can pause live TV, rewind, record, all that stuff. This last week has been a wonderful week for television. Let's get started.
ER - James Woods(not my favorite actor) guest starred as a patient/professor suffering from ALS. It was a very poignant episode; it made me cry.
Survivor: Panama-Exile Island - A new season of Survivor has begun. This season they started with 4 tribes: younger guys, younger girls, older guys & older girls. Every week one of the Survivors is sent to "Exile Island" where they have to spend a couple of days all alone on the scary island. There is a hidden immunity idol on the island though, and whoever finds it can use it at any time. I play a fantasy Survivor game, and 2 of my team members are on the younger girl tribe, so I want them to do well, other than that, I don't care. The older women lost the first immunity challenge, and had to vote out the first member. They voted out Tina, probably the biggest mistake they could have made. Tina was kind of nutty, but she was really strong, and contributed more than her share at camp. The 3 remaining members are going to have to work a lot harder now that she's gone.
Superbowl XL - I recorded it because I had to work until 8 o'clock last night. I fast forwarded through the game, and watched the commercials. The highlight for me was the Leonard Nemoy Aleve commercial. It was really cute. I also liked the Sprint/Nextel commercial where the guys couch caught on fire, and he had a song for that too. I tried to watch the half-time show, but, Stones fans forgive me, The Stones are really old and twitchy. I wasn't impressed at all.
Oprah - Susan Saint James and her husband Dick Ebersol talked about losing their youngest son in a plane crash. It was very sad, but their other son Charlie was super hot.
Tonight: Skating with Celebrities, The King of Queens, & How I Met Your Mother
This weekend was the last weekend of my Government class. I went Friday, got 100/110 on my test, and didn't go to the last class on Saturday. I'm still pretty sure I pulled out an A.
Friday my aunt Terri went to the hospital. They thought she was having a heart attack. It must not have been that serious, because they sent her home already. I do know that they are going to perform some more tests, though.
I think that's all for now. Have a nice day.
Posted by
4:32 PM
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
I went shopping!
Shh, don't tell my mom, or my boss, or the IRS, or anyone else I owe money. I'm giddy right now. I love shopping. I'm a power shopper. I go in, get what I want, and am out of the store in less than 20 minutes. Today I got a $99 jacket on sale for $35, a $45 pair of jeans for $12, and a $45 blouse for $12. That's almost $200 worth of close for only $60! I also got 2 new pairs of shoes. They weren't on sale, but I got such a good deal on the clothes that I had to reward myself with shoes. I got a pair of really cute black loafers and a pair of white canvas mules. I don't think anything could darken my mood today.
Hope y'all are having a great day too!
Posted by
1:23 PM
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
My new bangs
I've been having a lot of problems with my bangs lately. They've been parting, even though I put a lot of effort into making them not part, so I decided I wanted to do something different with them. I decided this right before I watched a weeks worth of Days of Our Lives, DooL for you hardcore fans. I was watching, and everyone on there had such pretty bangs that hung just right, and parted where they were supposed to, and didn't part when they weren't supposed to, just pretty perfect bangs. Kate and Marlena in particular. The only problem I had with their bangs was that they hung in their eyes. That's easy to fix, I'd just cut mine a little shorter than theirs. After 3 hours of DooL, I got out my scissors, went to the bathroom mirror, and voila, I now have soap opera bangs. They're beautiful! I love my soap opera bangs. I want to thank the lovely people at DooL for great bang inspiration. They rock!
And now, on a totally unrelated note, I went to lunch with my friend Sarah today, and dripped soy sauce on my shirt. Sarah has ADD, she's super exciting to hang out with. She told me when Sharon drops her lunch on her shirt, she puts her (magnetic) name tag over the spot. I've had my name tag centered directly between my boobies* since I got back from lunch.
For those of you lurkers(Dad, Leslie)who don't post comments, since I changed the template I got a new comments host, so you're not required to have a blogger account to comment any more, so if you really love me, you'll start commenting. Cause, you know, as a blogger, my self-worth totally revolves around how many comments I get. *wink, wink* Why do you hate me?***
*Blogger's** spell checker didn't recognize boobs as a word, but it did boobies, so I changed it to boobies.
**It also doesn't recognize Blogger's or blog as words even though it's a frickin' blog host. How crazy is that?
***Leslie, I threw that in special just for you, so comment about it already!
Posted by
9:41 PM